Christianity is so simple that a child can understand it - and so profound that a lifetime is not enough to grasp its riches.

The simple version:
God loved the world he had made so much that he sent his Son Jesus Christ to die for us, so that whoever believes in him might be forgiven for their selfish acts and have eternal life.

Jesus rose again, defeating death, and is now glorified in heaven. God sends his Holy Spirit to be with us and help us to enjoy a close relationship with himself. His purpose is to restore the whole of creation to perfection and fellowship with himself.

The longer version:
We believe in one God, the Father, Maker of heaven and earth.
He is holy, wise and good. He is all-knowing, all-powerful and all-seeing. He loves his creation and his purpose is to restore it to perfection through Jesus Christ.

We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Saviour of the world. In Jesus, God himself became a human being and lived a perfect life – the only perfect person who has ever lived. Through him we can come to know God.

At Christmas we celebrate his birth. On Good Friday we remember his sacrificial death for us on the cross. On Easter Day we celebrate his victory over death when he rose from the grave. We believe that he ascended into heaven and that he will come again in glory.

Because of our wrongdoing we are under God’s judgement, separated from him and unable to help ourselves. Jesus, by his death and resurrection, can free us from the penalty of our selfish acts and be a bridge between us and God. No one is beyond his love. Through repentance and faith in him, and by offering our lives to God, we can be forgiven and given new life. This starts now, as we are brought into a living relationship with God and can begin to reach our full potential as we commit our lives to him. Jesus’ own resurrection assures us that death is not the end, and that we will have eternal life, in a way that we can’t understand now but look forward to.

We believe in God the Holy Spirit who is one with both God the Father and God the Son – we call this the ‘Trinity’. We believe that the Spirit of God lives within every Christian believer and is the source of our spiritual life. He works in us to guide us, assure us of God’s love, and develop in us a Christ-like character, if we allow him to do so. 
We believe that the Church is the body of Christ on earth, called to love and praise God in worship, preach the good news about Jesus throughout the world, and show the love and compassion of God to all. We are not perfect but are being built up into a loving, serving community.

We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, and our authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

Becoming a Christian is just the first step in a new life of finding out how best to live to please God and fulfil our own deepest desires. If you would like to find out more, email us at