Junior Church
We have a lively group of youngsters who meet on Sunday mornings. Click here for more.
We have a lively group of youngsters who meet on Sunday mornings. Click here for more.
Spokes (0-5)
A chance for parents and toddlers to meet each other. Meets in Wesley church hall, 10.00-11.30am on Mondays (except Bank Holidays). Play, drinks, biscuits, story-time. £1 charge.
We have up to twenty toddlers on the books but they don't all come every week. The children spend the time playing and the mums and dads get to know each other over tea and coffee. The older children eventually leave to go to pre-school, but some come back during the holidays. We invite parents to Church events such as the Christingle service, Sunday school party, coffee mornings, and the Good Friday craft morning. This year our children made the Easter garden for Church.